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Presentations and Papers

GILD Summary

January 2007:

The following documents form part of the research conducted by the GILD research group at the University of Victoria. This section will be updated as more documents become available.

  • Gild Feature and Technical Report: (pdf)
  • Gild Lesson's learned: (pdf)
  • Comparative Study of Eclipse and Gild for Novice Programmers: OOPSLA_2005 (pdf)
  • Suzanne Thompson's Masters' Thesis: "An Exploratory Study of Novice Programming Experiences and Errors": (pdf)

Sample Gild Course Units:

  • gildunits.zip: Course units for "CSc 115: Introductory Programming 2" for use in Gild - by Peggy Storey

Other useful plugins for Gild:

GILD Publications

 A comparison of communication technologies to support novice team programming
Cubranic, D., M.-A. Storey and J. Ryall, "A comparison of communication technologies to support novice team programming", ICSE education track (short paper), May 2006, Shanghai, China.

 Collaboration support for novice team programming
Cubranic, D., M.-A. Storey, "Collaboration support for novice team programming," GROUP 2005, pp. 136-139, Florida, USA, November, 2005.

 Study of novice programmers using Eclipse and Gild
Rigby, P.C., S. Thompson, "Study of novice programmers using Eclipse and Gild," Eclipse Technology eXchange (eTX) Workshop at OOPSLA 2005, San Diego, California, 2005.

The challenges of creating open source educational software: the Gild experience
Rigby, P.C., D. Cubranic, S. Thompson, D.M. German, and M.-A. Storey, "The challenges of creating open source educational software: the Gild experience," Open Educational Symp., 1st Int. Conf. on Open Source Systems, Genova, Italy, July 11-15, 2005.

 Developing marking support within eclipse
Myers, D., E. Hargreaves, J. Ryall, S. Thompson, M. Burgess, D. German, and M.-A. Storey, "Developing marking support within eclipse," Eclipse Technology Exchange and Workshop, 19th Annual ACM Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October 24-28, 2004.

Eclipse as a collaborative IDE for introductory programming classes
Cubranic, D., and M.-A. Storey, "Eclipse as a collaborative IDE for introductory programming classes," Workshop on Eclipse as a Vehicle for CSCW Research, held as part of the ACM Conf.on Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW'04), 2004.

 Improving the usability of Eclipse for novice programmers
Storey, M.-A., J. Michaud, M. Mindel, M. Sanseverino, D. Damian, D. Myers, D. German, and E. Hargreaves, "Improving the usability of Eclipse for novice programmers," Eclipse Technology eXchange (eTX) Workshop at OOPSLA 2003, Anaheim, California, Oct. 27, 2003.

 Adopting GILD: an integrated learning and development environment for programming
Storey, M.-A., M. Sanseverino, D. German, D. Damian, A. Damian, J. Michaud, A. Murray, R. Lintern, J. Chisan, M. Litoiu, and D. Rayside, "Adopting GILD: an integrated learning and development environment for programming," ACSE 2003: 3rd Int. Workshop on Adoption-Centric Software Engineering ICSE 2003, the 25th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering, Portland, USA, May 2003.


GILD Overview Papers & Presentations

Jan 8, 2003

Gild: An Integrated Learning and Development plug-in for Eclipse.

Author: Peggy Storey.
   Word Doc    PDF
This is the document submitted for the Eclipse grant.

Gild: Groupware enabled Integrated Learning and Development for Java
Author: Peggy Storey.
   PowerPoint    PDF
This is a PowerPoint presentation outlining the GILD project.

Jan 29, 2003

Dimensions of the Project

Author: Daniela Damian.
   Word Doc    PDF
A working model putting together several areas of the project.

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