GILD Requirements Gathering & User Studies
Aug 2003
User Testing Participants
- University of Victoria.
The script used for the preliminary user testing
trials of the
Student Perspective Plug-in.
July 2003
Faculty Focus Group
Participants- University of Victoria.
The questions and agenda
used for the TA Focus Groups.
May 2003
Teaching Assistant Focus Group Participants-
Group 1: University of Victoria, Group 2, Dalhousie University.
questions and agenda used for the TA Focus Groups.
GILD Bibliography -- New
entires as they arise
July 12, 2003.
Contributions to the research in teaching and learning of Computer Science
Pea, R. D. (1986). Language-independent conceptual "bugs" in novice programming. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2(1), 25-36.
Brooks, R. (1999). Towards a theory of the cognitive processes in computer programming. International Journal Human-Computer Studies, 51, 197-211.
Reviews on the state of research in teaching and learning of Computer Science.
Soloway, E., & Ehrlich, K. (1984). Empirical Studies of Programming Knowledge. Transactions on Software Engeneering, SE-10(5), 595-609.
Soloway, E., & Spohrer, J. (Eds.). (1989). Studying the Novice Programmer. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Hoc, J.-M., Green, T. R. G., Samurcay, R., & Gilmore, D. J. (Eds.). (1990). Psychology of Programming. London: Academic Press.
Holmboe, C., George, C., & McIver, L. (2001). Research Agenda for Computer Science Education. Paper presented at PPIG, Bournemouth, UK.
Katz, I. R., Petre, M., & Leventhal, L. (Eds.). (2001). Special Issue: Empirical Studies of Programmers. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 54(2).
Clancy, M., Stasko, J., Guzdial, M., Fincher, S., & Dale, N. (2001). Models and Areas for CS Education Research. Computer Science Education, 11(4), 323-341.
March 18, 2003
and Learning: The state of the art. Maggie Swan, Andrew Dillon and Michelle Fuhrman. Nov, 2001. Indianna University.
A PDF document with a bibliographical list of references for the topic of hypermedia and learning.
Evaluation of Learning Technologies in Higher Education.
IEEE Technology and Society, July 2002.
A web page with special issue articles on learning technology. Methodologies, culture/gender issues, technologies, virtual learning environments, adaptive interactive environments.
Eclipse Infrastructure and Plugins
Presentations on Learning Theory & Methodology
Presentations on Psychology of Programming
Requirements, Hypermedia, Collaboration
Feb 5, 2003.
GILD and requirements management
Author: Dana Damian.
Presentation (PPT)
Presentation (PDF)
An overview ofrequirements and the process of their "engineering" as it relates to the GILD Project."What" vs. "How" or Requirments" vs. Design.
Contributor: Rob Lintern. Paper (HTML)
What is Computer Supported Collaborative Learning(CSCL)
CSCL: a brief overview & interesting links for further study Resource Web Site
CSCL: Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Resource Web Site
What is CSCL Resource Web Site
Collaboration: Software Development, Learning
Author: James Chisan. Presentation
Presentation (PDF)
An overview of Collaboration in general, with emphasis on particular tools and their comparison. Some things to consider for the GILD project.
Hypermedia and Learning
Author: Daniel German. Presentation (PDF)
An overview of hypermedia and its application to learning.
Contributor: Rob Lintern.
GIF Diag.
CSCL Diagram